Mourning loss and rebuilding in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Nagorno-Karabakh:  areas retaken by Azerbaijan after the recent conflict from September to November 2020, which ended on the 10th of November, after a peace deal brokered by Russia stopped the fighting.

Thousands of Russian peacekeepers are now on the ground in the Nagorno-Karabakh, whilst many Armenians are angry with their government due to their territorial losses. Azeris celebrate the regaining of their territory in Nagorno-Karabakh, for the first time in thirty years.

This series, looks at how the Azeri side is demining, rebuilding, and returning to mourn the loss of people and homes, not seen for almost three decades. The territory feels like a place void of life, with very few people living there at present, something which the Azeri government hopes will change over the coming months and years.

Ongoing work...

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